dalam dunie nie.. sifat manusia.. mmg x penah mngenal erti rase bersyukur dan puas hati..
mcm aq sendiri.. sometimes im in that situation and sometimes not..
but now.. i realise..
i'll try my very best.. this kind of thng not only me..
but others were experince the same.. all i want to say is..
boleh x kite consider dulu.. cek dulu.. pkiaq bebaik..
ape yg kite buat sebelum kita lakukan perkara tersebut..
mgkin kesalahn kite tu x disedari oleh kite sendiri.. mgkin bende camtu dr perspektif kite perkara kecik jeh.. tapi.. mgkin.. bnde2 cmni jgak bley bg org disekeliling kite jd kecil hati..
so.. dalam erti kata laen.. sng citaa..
perkara sebegini memerlukan kesdran dlm diri.. realise immediately..
if you think that you were at the wrong side..
opologizing is the secret way..
but another person, sometimes keep holding their ego..
"bajet ko jelah betul an.. sume aq salah..
" haa.. yg ni x betui.. so kne ah perbaiki cpat2 yer..
slamat beramal~ hehe tbe2..

0 nice talks: