Im A challengefull MAN~

wat a disapointment.. ptptn x wat agi.. biasiswa x mintak agi.. aaaa.. im barely gonna be die soon.. woah.. maklumlah.. aq ni ibrat tempurung bwah ktak.. so tu ah wat keje penting2 asyik miss jew.. haish~ xpe2.. im gonna fill in da form for next july form.. arini khamis..~!! mmg klass pack gilah.. *pdhal x pack pon.. ngade* nseb bek x amik fiqh islami..:P sory dear.. i wish i could.. bt its 2 late for me.. guess it cant be help.. haha..

lgpon arini klass bi pling cepat abes sbb.. sir masok2 bg assainmnt then just get the hell out there about 2 to 4 min just in da class.. for me=NO COMMENT.. :)

klass en azfi= "hari sy cdang x nak mngajar.. jadi kamu bleh wat keje sendiri.. tp at the end of da class ade keje sy nak bg.." for en azfi.. also NO COMMENT~ :) sbb hepi dpt asainmnt..:P

klass pn siti= blaja control stucture once again as a revision.. nseb bek blaja.. sbb aq pon dah lpe sikit2 tuh.. fuh,.. bhaye2.. pastuh pn dok cte psal bgusnya x merokok dan dy benci perokok and laki yg x merokok idola wanita :"> and as well in BSE student.. there is no smoker.. back off smoker tegar..!!

so at the end at 4 pm.. time for arabic class.. yeah.. i like arabic class.. it is ranking no.3 in my fav subject.. comes after JAVA and Math becos "baru ah ade chalengge".. kalu asyik nak blaja bnde senng je.. bek blaja ABC jew.. kompem bleh dapat 100% full mark.. so i like my life in chalenge mode.. fighting..!!! oh!!

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