at the night.. my family went to Cinema nearest at our house.. before dat.. at the evening "syahir.. amik duit nie pergi beli tiket wyg, sape nak tgk pon buleh ikut jgak.. beli je tiket" said ma father.. then of course lah nak ikut jgak.. since adik2 g tgk criter seru.. and im already watched it.. and of cos.. my sisters said it NO good overall for the muvie.. but for me , my dad n my mom.. we went to Fast Five muvie.. which is "Fast and Furious 5"..
you know what.. this muvie damn really thumbs up! i was so excited all over ma body.. when i see the best part.. my body and feelin moved over the flow of the muvie..isk2.. sampai camtu skali..

guess what this Fast five related to tokyo drift.. because the character named Hans also in this muvie story. and what met me said this muvie best ever.. cause it is more than the older movie.. what more?? more from the views of the camera.. not making the watcher waitin for shitt. the car being used is high.. the actions is like 60% in the muvie.. and what more.. when Van Diesel fighting with Dwyane Johnson (the rock).. ouh!!! can u imagine si muscle ketat 2 ekoq tu bertumbok.. fuhh!! its started to fight when the rock made van disel mad cause the rock smash van diesel Beauty (Van disel car).. hehe.. but overall of the story is objectively want to rob a high position man in the Brazil country named Reyes.. not a little of his money.. but said van diesel.. "we gonna take em all" its worth 100 million++ dolar and divided by 10 people means each get 10-11 million per person.. and everybody started to making their wishlist..
click here for the trailer..
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