tiba waktu prangai jahat aku dtg an.. ni lah dy memo wat aku that i always refer to.. xkire ah tyme sad ke.. tyme frust ke.. tyme nak gi presentation ke.. tyme fail ke.. tyme nak commite suicide ke.. eh? *berguraw* n tyme2 yg sewaktu dgnye~ *malas nak mention* :p
1. pursue Achievable Goals
2. Keep A Genuine Smile
3. Share With Others
4. Help Thy Neighbors
5. Maintain A Youthful Spirit
6. Get Along With The Rich, The Poor, The Beautiful, & The Ugly
7. Keep Cool Under Pressure
8. Lighten The Atmosphere With Humor
9. Forgive The annoyance Of OthErs
10. Have Few Pals
11. Cooperate And Reap GreatEr RewaRds.
12. Treasure Every Moment with Your Loved Ones
13. Have high confidence in yourself
14. Respect The disadvantaged
15. Indulge yourself Occasionally
16. Surf The Net At LeisuRe
17. Take CalcUlatEd RiskS
18. UnderstanD "MoNeY Isn't Everything..."
so its mine.. org len x leh tiru.. wweekk.. haha xde ah.. sesape nak amik sbgai panduan bleh jewp~ its maybe gonna workin..
-Spiral All Along-
thIngS thAt I always Used to~
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 6:26 PM 0 nice talks
Empty And Boring SunDay..
haaarrrgggh~~ *yawning*
woah! like alwalys.. mke x leh harap ni lah yg always woke up earlier than others..
yg len dok sedap terbongkang.. but the nite before sleep..
MrX : "caien, ko klass kul bpe sok.. kalu bgun awal (*dah tawu aku bgn awal lg nak Gne *kalau* tuh)tlong kejut aku bleh.. sbb aku klass kul 8 doh.."
Caien : "insyaAllah.. kalu bgun awal.." *mood=ikhlas*
hihih.. haa tu lah dy prangai semase saye nie.. *twink* bkan ape.. bkan nda mau kjut.. tp kalu ayt nya kok gaya gini "caien sok suboh kejut bley.. aq takut miss slat sboh ah.." *SUCI* haa.. baru lah kok pantas akuh bangkitkan kamu.. :p tp prangai aku ni pelik sikit.. sbb *java*
if caey wokeup early;
System.out.print"Caey pegi klass mesti lambat"
System.out.print"caey kne pegi lewt ke kelas sbb kne kejut kenkwn len dulu"
Fuhh~!! wat a tired life..
eh.. chupp~!! senarnye bkan nak cte sal ni lah.. nak cte sal swimming nieh..(figure 1.1):P woah~!! caien ke tuh~ unbelievable~ ahaks.. time byak knengan kitowng bersame.. sonok2~!! i miss this moment.. mase tu kitowng pegi ari rabu aw.. dah plan tyme jumat minggu pas..tp pegi nye the next wednesday.. so akibat plan awal2 tp pegi lambat.. so kitowng kene lah rasekan.. mase sampai kat desa water park tuh.. owh~ aaa~ F***!! F***!! adoy~!! wat im mean that kt premis tu tertulis "we are close every wednesday".. ahaha.. mmg frust menonggeng..!!
pastu we decided to go to swimming biase2 jewp kat club.. more cheaper n more best.. gambar atas tu mg-explain about W.T. hell are you doin.. nampak kat mak ko nie.. kompem kne tarik wang saku.. haha mcm cte doraemon..
pas abes excitet.. pegi makan then back to KUIS tchenta..
p/s:dear iejat.. we all love you.. n miss you..thanks for being aour friends..
-------mood=letih gila bab*-------
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 5:32 PM 0 nice talks
i'M NeWbiEs~!!
first thing 1st.. assalamualaikum W.B.T..
Nik Muhamad Syahir bin Nik Azainoon (org call caey/caien/syahir/nick/mad/syg/poyo & etc.)
Umo 19tahun 6 bulan 17 hari..
Askunu~ (:P) no6.JLN dgg 6/3A.. TMN Dagang Ave.,AmPUNK., 68000, SelEngor..
Currently Studying at IIUS (KUIS)-Bach. in Softway Ingineering(npe nak highlight?)
In relationship with CM..<3<3~ :"> (alaa.. anak Cek Mad blkng uma tuh.. hihi..)
There were sort of my LikesAndLoves thing :
likes D*** vr much..
likes CM vr much..
loves My mama n papa vr much.. of course all my famil members skali.. :x <3>
loves KEMBARA@ travelling..
likes software n ingineer..
loves problem solving and programming..
loves clean environment..
likes girl with wedges(high heels)
like my CM does.. <3>
likes girl that understand me..
loves drawing very much.. not very gud in multimedia.. :P
loves black and white.. red and brown(sometimes) green n blue(optional:P)
likes askem and were member of aiscreamchoholics :x
likes mee grg mamak.. not mamak..
loves playing futsal at the nite..
loves watchin muvee.. especially with my family o my beloved CM..
likes to help people..
likes to smash people..
loves all kind of music.. except Tamil *muntah ijau..
loves repairing thing..
likes to swimming. likes to joging..
likes to make my CM heppie..
loves to climbing..
loves to camping..
likes berbeque..
likes cooking..
likes happiness..
loves party..
loves people smiling..
loves all my stuff..
loves and likes all my friendsss :x <3<3>
There were also my hate n dislike thing :
hate to sleep early.. except when class at 8 am..
hate to make a rubbish..
dislike dirty..
dislike slekeh..
hate smoking..
hate drugs..
dislike to mad at people..
dislike being so cruelness..
hate BAb* hate Hanji** (*x reti ejew..)
dislike maksiat.. (alhamdulillah)
dislike miss my solat..
hate islam enemy..
hate people kedeku*..
dislike people cakap bes**
dislike bad people..
fu** member yg perampas.
fu** member yg makan kwan..
hate to be friend with those who were "SomboNg"
hate to be friend with those who were small in smiling..
ade lagi.. nant len kali tambah..:P keh.. so be nice with me.. be smooth we me. sometimes im kind.. sometmes im not.. if you doesnt like me.. pfttt~!! back off~!! and i like the way i are.. i gratefull living in my own life.. salam.. nice to know you all..~!!
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 3:37 AM 0 nice talks