Good Person

im now feels so uneasy rite now.. tatau nak wat keputusan camne.. but some how.. i still have faith in you and im stilll gonna hold on.. and im still gonna wait.. its okay if you come to found another person better than me.. and i hope so.. but if that person if me.. i will do as best as i could..

last 2 weekend. mcm biase lah.. aku msg ngan farah (bkan name sbnar) .. dy ade lh cte kat aku mcm2.. salah satu cte yg bule kate interesting jgak lah ialah story tntang how girl feel sume tuh.. aq pun korek ah mcm2.. hehe =p tapi semenjak aku knal farah ni , ape yg aku tau kat farah ni , she really a hot girl.. also cute.. kawaii sume tu lah~ but that doesnt really concern me but the most interesting part is her kindness.. seriously~ tyme nie aku ngan dy mmg x pernah tgk mke lagi.. facebook pun x add agih.. tyme just kenal2 melalui phone.. asal nye si farah ni penah dtg skolah aq dulu ade program.. so aku sempat knal2 cam tu  jelah.. just ade no telephone and name.. tau2 dy msg tny betul x ni syahir~

she really give me boost up when she kind.. im so helpless when she kind and there is something in this girl dat great.. really good.. about last 4 or 5 weeks.. aku msg dy cm biase.. tny sume tu sume nieh.. tbe2 dy x reply.. time tu aq txt pagi.. then ptg tu dy baru reply.. eh2, bkan reply but straight call.. dy ckap "wehh.. soryyy u, i ade kerje tadi.. sory sgt2.. " aku ckap ape.. no need for a big apology but its okay.. aku bkan nye ape.. x kesah pun.. then satu hari ni plak.. turn aku plak busy.. dy ag bg satu msg.. then aq x reply ade lah dekat mlm jgak aku x reply.. cos aq ade byk kerje tyme tu.. hp plak silent.. check2 ade lah dekat 14 miscall n msg ade 5.. check2, sume dari farah.. siyes aq serbe slah tyme tu.. then aq pun call lah nak jage hati.. call2 aplogy sume dy ckap "eh2.. xkesah lah.. if u busy , its okay.. i paham.. ;) " sore dy tyme tu pun happy jgak..

what more give me a boost up is evertime when she txt me she will said first "syahir, busy x nie ? kalu x busy i nk chat.." hm ~ nak ckap ape lg.. siyes ly mmg aku pun tatau nak ckap camne farah nie.. she really a great person.. aq pun serba slah lah kalu x jage hati dy leklok..

another thing is, one day aku abes kredit.. ketika tgah txt dy.. tau2 aq dah kne topup dah.. tny bkan men tny baru dy ngaku dy yg topupkan.. aq pun ape lagi, lagi ah rase serbe slah.. aq ckap nant aq bayar balik.. dy ckap xpe lah.. kite pun dah mcm best frend kan.. so its okay.. aq penah pesan kat dy.. eevrytime come prayer time.. aq mest msg dy.. tanye.. dah solat belum  nieh ?? hehe.. saje xde point lain nak msg.. then now.. terbalik plak.. farah nie lah yg slalu msg and anye sume2 tuh.. kkdg dy ade gak luah isi hati dy.. kisah hidup dy.. but for now.. all i know and i understand about "she" is more than enough.. maybe she is not perfect.. but i always know she is perfect when she is kind..

"When a person try to be kind first , the person will repay same kindness or more than desire "


lame x post entry . sory . :)
btw now im in the week of holiday.. wahhh! bkan men sonok agih yer.. hehe.. of kos lah.. cuti ade lah dimana hidupku yg dah busy nie ni jadi smkin busy bile cuti.. so who cares.. =p now im at ostel.. maybe tomorrow will be throw back amPunk.. yesterday bright evening.. kitowng gi mancing kot. hehe.. kat kolam Sea Lion kat Klang nuh.. plan nak balik mlm tuh jgak.. tp tau2.. dapat ikan sikit but still syukur.. dari xdak.. so balik tuh lewat then dah kompem2 x leh masuk kawasan ostel dah sbb gate dah kunci.. ;) so ape lagi.. pi pekena char kue teow lah.. hehehe.. then balik umah razeen tidoq kat umah dy.. ni kali ke 3 aq tdoq umah dy.. =) tgk kucing2 razin ade 8 ekoq dah.. sume gebu2.. :o rindu plak kat kucing akuh.. waaa !

slalu nye balik mancing mest gi serbu kedai ikan bakaq suh abg kedai tuh bakar kan.. mcm biase aq mest order CARROT SUSU.. aq bkan penggemar carrot suusu but demi kebaikan and kesihatan im free willing to do it ;)
first2 dulu si aafan tuh dapat ikan besaq kot.. kat kemensah bakang Zzoo tuh.. kitowng ajak ah g kedai ikan bakar mlm tuh reramai..

 X nak makan ikan bakar but nak carrot susu 3.. :p

balik dari umah razen dlm pkul 8 - 9 pagi bertolak pulang ke ostel.. then tbe masenye mnghantar awe ngan lukmang balik plak.. depa pie BTS and abg lukmang pickup them there.. so skrng dah smpai lah kot.. :) aq je yg masih mencari ketenangan kat sini.. ntah bile nak tenang daa -__- so nak taknak, esok aku kne balik jgak.. sbb mcm2 nak wat..member aq dah dekat 4 - 5 dh setting nak hg out.. so aq x nak hampakan mereka.. bile lagi nak jumpe kalu bkan time cuti kan.. ;) Peyi, Zaher, Farah, Musfirah, Quraisya, Azmeer, Fakar, Ain and Farzana.. please wait for me <3 !
please ignore je picture2 yg dibawah. xde kne mngene :p

 nmpak sgt x pokes dlm kelas -___-

i bought this immediately when i found one . <3 ! for you ~