Aq laki yg "TerUk"!!


ape nak jadi ngan aq nie..
gf sorang pon x reti nak jge leklok..
aq trase sikit ah bile dy ckap:

"When Im okay, awak pula yg tak okay.
When you're the one that is in okay mood,
Saya pula yg tak okay.
Why meh? Sakit hati lah.
Rasa cam nak masak gulai jer hati aku ni.
Baru puas hati kot.

I hate this. I hate this situation.
I miss the old times.
I really missed it."

rase nyesal plak.. rase bersalah plak..
sbb dulu mase 1st tyme in relation..
aq dah tekad nak jge awk leklok..
tp cmnie plak jadi..
ni sme slah aq lah nie..
aq akn cbe memperbaiki keadaan..insyaAllah~
I reaaly Love you~

0 nice talks: