so.. what T. H. are you looking at.. its mine okay!!.. hehe FYI.. its mine~
not so preetty.. but i felt something about her.. :"> aaa~~~!! 정말 사랑스럽다!!
oh and well.. not forget about TIFFANY!!~ >.<"
(ape lah ko nie,, sampai 2 org nak like skali gus)
당신을 위해 내가 가을 Jooyeon!!
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 7:45 AM 0 nice talks
TUBEK metro nie sok~
new arrival asus with high performance and best in graphics.. first asus product using 3.0 usb.. hehe.. oh.. i hope it will be mine soon.. product asus terbaru woo~ woot2~
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 7:39 AM 0 nice talks
I hope you don't know,
I hope you don't see,
All of the feelings
Bursting inside of me.
I wish I could tell you
I wish I could let you know
All of these feelings
I would like to show.
I lay in bed Hope and pray
You will wake up
And realize some day.
Maybe one day you will know
Maybe you will see
Although I meant nothing to you,
You meant everything to me.
oh.. she's something~
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 7:21 AM 0 nice talks
WaVe ADddiction~
kblkangan ni mcm2 berlaku.. yg tulah nilah..
bape hari ntah nak tgu kolej bkak balik.. arggh!! result pon mcm mnyeksa JIWA DAN RAGA utk menungguu.. hihi.. btw im in OPEN relat..... hehe :"> thanks dear~ i appreciate that so very F much!! hm.. sbnarnye tyme ni aq tgah lari dari rumah.. ta maoo dgar perbalahan mama ngan papa..
ooohhff!! im sick of it... i hate them like that way.. oo god pleasee help our family.. what happen just now.. let me forget it.. isk2..
bbrape hari lepas.. bwak mama g midvalley.. mle2 nak pegi garden.. tp mama kate start ngan mid dulu lah.. then tbe2.. letih.. then the garden x jadi pergi.. haha.. mama ni mmg lah.. skrang kak long ade kat kuantan.. tgah interview nak masok hotel ape eh name hotel tu.. yg sultan pahang pnyer tuh.. uh.. yes!! HYATT Hotel and resort.. so.. gd luck..!! hehe..
*dear God! please bring me my family happiness again~*
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 2:51 AM 0 nice talks
im not gonna desperate
*oh god~ only you know how i feel rite now*
tataw lah nak ckap pe.. tp maybe its my fault.. uh.. no no.. not maybe.. but it is my fault.. why everytime this happened.. i keep blaming myself.. arghh.. hm.. it is just about you.. i always feel the same to you.. and not the same if you wish to..
i always prays to god.. for the prophets.. for my mom and daddy.. for my family.. then next come up with you.. yes, it is you.. (oh~ i wish she dont read this) becos i know she will be hurt again.. im sorry.. i cant satisfy you dear.. but i try my very best.. you change me a lot.. start dari seorang yang biase and become lover.. my daily.. my style.. my interest.. my fav.. my intention.. my life.. its all because of you.. so.. how i gonna change it back.. hm.. no.. and never.. sory~
but i guess there is no second chances.. but miracle could happens.. and i wish that miracle do comes true.. and i would like to add it on my "my List" (my work to be achieve) like my old post.. about the tree house.. but that is long distance wish.. and you.. is my short , long and forever wish..
tapi bile org tawu.. mest dyorng gtaw aq.. "alaah.. bunga bkan sekuntum" and i gonna say this "hey!! its not like that k..! =.='" im diffrent!!" aq bkan nye bleh sesuka hati mnyukai dan tidak sesuka hati camtu jew.. oh.. i wish this wont happens.. i wanna stay like the old one.. i appreciate you like myself.. what i do is because of your happiness.. what about my.. oh.. i dont need it.. bcos my happineess has been achieve forever when first time i achieved you..
*just dont leave me :-(*
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 5:52 PM 0 nice talks
aq skang ade kat kuantan.. finally.. dpat gak merase jumpe grandma ngan sedare mare.. hihi..
for how long.. i dun know.. we'll figure it out.. hehe.. daa sume..
its my tyme bercuti.. hehe...
lpas bercuti.. gi restoran italy ngan my bby.. hihi..
farewell everybody~
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 2:48 AM 0 nice talks
Camat AYIe Yaye Cume!! hehe..
aq taon ni yaye kat uma jew.. tp meriah lah jgak.. lgpon papa bwak balik sekotak tV Mercun.. woah \m/ mmg aq bom mengebom lah di mlm raye.. hahaha!!
taon ni bju raye kaler pilihan mama iaitu kaler coklat+mocha+latte+coppucino.. ntah lah kaler ape.. haha!! yg anak2 laki sume kaler same ngan papa.. then yg pmpn jew kaler msing2.. (x sehati langsung!!) haha.. tbe2 jew.. x byk gambar yg aq sempat amik.. sebb sebok sgt.. hehe.. maybe dlm mase terdekat ni nak gi raye kat kuantan plak.. owh.. i love kuantan.. hehe

tu jew raye aq.. ade lagi.. tp x leh cte.. chaw~
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 8:55 AM 0 nice talks
LonELy soulja Boy
today, sebaik saje bangkit dari tdoq.. pegi mandi then txt bby.. pastu siap2 nak g solat jumaat..
abes solat jumaat, jumpa lah kenkwn yg kat kuis nieh.. tnye soklan yg same
"dah abes exam daa?"
"balik bile..??"
"maaf zahir batin n slmat bercuti"
hehe.. pastu g checkout bilik.. mcm biase lah kan after we check in hotel.. mest lah kne checkout.. hihi.. pastu g jmpe bby.. dy nak bg buku.. then pg jpm, suh shapik cop kan.. kan sng.. xyah nak beratur n amik nombor giliran byk2.. nyusahkan jew.. acik kerani tu pon lagi memudahkan kerje dy.. so syapik bg kertas wakil utk 5 org.. pastuh setle..
then balik uma(b.o.t) dok kemas2 bilik.. pilih2 brg yg dak2 nie tertggal.. aq amik nak sumbat dlm stor Bilik Elektrik :-p (mcm biase lah guys!!) then tepon2 miscall2 bby.. sbb syg nie nak tggalkan.. :"> then bkak pose kat cafe.. ngan safuan , wira and naim..and they all balik mlm nie.. ades..! T.T (im gonna be alone) aaa~!! hihi.. x pe.. dah biase dah..
"sy ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin Kpd Sume yg sy kenali terutamanye BBY.. dan selamat bercuti kpda rakan seKUIS.. hehe.. jgn men mercun sgt.. aq x nak knkwn aq balik2 xde tgn.. x mo rempit2.. xmo langgar undang2.. deh~!! nant aq jumpe kowrang harap2 korang gemok lah yer.. haha.. cuti2 jgn lp e contact kalu nak hang out.. lastly.. jumpa lagi.. assalamualaikum W.B.t"
I gonna mish my bby a lot :">
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 4:52 AM 0 nice talks
Ya Bada Beduu!!
Finally~ its were the end of sem1 BSE.. >.<
tadi paper programming.. aq wat sebaik mgkin wlaupun aq rase byk yg betul and byk yg slah..
and bende dah lpas sy x maw kenang.. pokes ke hadapan.. hihi..
*Kepuas-hatian berGanda*
bkak pose kat rumah.. then mama call ckap baru balik dr nilai.. then nak amk aq mkn kat luar.. then aq follow mkn and lastly bg brg aq yg teramatlah byk utk dibawa pulang.. and now my locker is as empty as shit... hell yeah..! \m/
aq maybe balik friday or saturday.. tgk keadaan lah yer cmnew.. hihi..
ade sblan lebih cuti.. uish!! aq kne teruskan ngan project aq tuh.. kalu x, sem 2 nant aq merana.. btw Ptptp pon bleh setle tyme cuti nie..
berikut adalah list perkara need to be done :
1. Ambil lesen kereta.
2.Setle medical checkup and other that need to be submit to kuis;
3.Setle kan penangguhan bayaran..
4.Lengkapkan suma borang2 ptptn;
5.Kerje.. >.<
6.Kruskan bdan :-P
7.Beli something (angkat2 kening)
slamat bercuti suma. and slamat berhari raya and maaf zahir batin.. sory kalu terkasar bhase.. ter singgung perasaan.. dan ter ter yg sewaktu dgnnye.. mne lah taw nant kite x jumpe lg.. sedekah2 kan lah kat sy eh.. halalkan mkn minum.. hutang2.. engat2 sy slalu.. sy hargai korang sume.. \m/
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 7:25 AM 0 nice talks
Dizzy NOt or GreeDy Yes
5.00 a.m. >.<'
oh please just direct to me what you wants me to do rite now? to fullfill what you want in your life..
and now i still cant close my eyes..
remembering all those thing about you, about what i want to conversation with you tomorrow,
about exam.. (of course) and other more..
Dear God, please lend me a little help and also strength to me, and i cant use it to face the life given by YOU..
Posted By CaieN xxxxxxx 2:32 PM 0 nice talks